Coop Carbone mobilizes its troops!   

Coop Carbone met on Thursday, September 21 for its Rentrée 2023 event. The AgroEnergy, Sustainable Mobility, Carbon Footprint and Administrative teams met on Île de Saint-Quentin in Trois-Rivières, the geographical link between the Quebec City and Montreal offices and the Warwick plant.  


To get there, employees and management fully embraced the principles of sustainable mobility, while actively participating in the Défi sans auto solo, which ran from September 18 to 24. Theophil Haberstroh, Director of the Sustainable Mobility Division, came by bike from Montreal. Carpooling and Communauto were the other preferred means of transportation! For the fifth year running, startup Greenplay’s digital solution was used for the Défi sans auto solo. It measures sustainable mobility initiatives and rewards them with various prizes from participating businesses. Bertrand Gélinas, CEO of Greenplay, was supported by MOBIS, the Coop Carbone gas pedal.   


Finally, at the Saint-Quentin event, the teams attended a lecture by Gaëtan Lafrance, Professor Emeritus at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS). He presented his latest book, L’illusion carboneutre : quel temps fera-t-il vraiment après 2050 (Éditions MultiMondes). His enlightening and stimulating remarks fed and animated the reflections of the teams.