Coop Carbone works in three fields: the development of energy cooperatives through the operation of agricultural biomethanisers; assistance to businesses and organisations wishing to engage in the fight against climate change by reducing their GHG emissions; and sustainable mobility, through its team MOBIS, an initiative designed to make Quebec communities the benchmark in sustainable mobility.
With the acquisition in 2014 of the consulting firm ÉcoRessources, the alliance between Fondaction CSN, Mouvement Desjardins, La Coop fédérée (now Sollio), Le C3E and the Association québécoise pour la maîtrise de l’énergie (AQME) has led to the creation of Coop Carbone. The objective of this new entity is to support the fight against climate change and to contribute collectively to the efforts and target projects so that we can accelerate and achieve a solidary, prosperous and green recovery.
Coop Carbone evolves in a new business era based on complicity, transparency and, above all, the social responsibility of organisations. More than a cooperative of solidarity, Coop Carbone is a partner that communicates directly with the DNA related to the social responsibility of its members and partners.
Coop Carbone is a solidarity cooperative whose mission is to take action against the climate emergency by supporting the implementation of collaborative projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Over the next 3 to 5 years, Coop Carbone hopes to be able to federate efforts in different regions to create “carbon-free” territories. These territorial initiatives involve local actors mobilised around projects that meet the needs of local communities. Coop Carbone will play a key expert role in the development of these local entities and will offer the services they need to accomplish their mission.
These principles underlay our organisational behaviour and define our relationships with our clients and partners, as well as the members of our cooperative.
Our desire to act collectively is for us a way to carry out projects and initiatives that enable us to fulfill our mission.
We are committed to the fight against climate change and are working to engage stakeholders to accelerate the implementation and scaling of innovative solutions that contribute to reduce our carbon footprint.
We protect the environment and actively participate in rebuilding an ecosystem where our collective actions are based on sustainable development for generations to come.
We believe in an approach tailored to the constraints, issues and changing context of cities and our territorial partners in order to maximise the positive impact and the scope of our actions.
This fundamental value is at the heart of our actions and our business relationships. Respect dictates our line of conduct and leads us to share ideas and exchange opinions in our interpersonal relationships. Respect is the anchor for all the satisfaction we get from our duties.
As members of the Coop Carbone, we are united towards this social responsibility to take action individually and collectively to support sustainable and environmentally beneficial changes in our territories.
The collaboration between the committed business communities and the activities put forward by our projects and initiatives work together for the development of our regions.
The impact on our GHG emission reductions and our carbon footprint is the result of this multiplying factor of the pooling of knowledge and the networking of our complementary expertise.
We encourage participation, co-creation and collaboration in order to nurture this network of partners that maximises the impact of our actions because together we are stronger and united.